Alexandra Krim

Ananda: An Exploration of Bliss Through Breath Movement and Rest

In this 2 hour experience, we will learn about and explore the various ways of attaining Ananda, or bliss, while remaining at home in our bodies. We will practice ways of breathing, moving, and deep resting to shift our physical, mental, and energetic bodies. You can expect Kundalini and Kriya yoga, intuitive flowy Vinyasa, and a long wind down and rest. Optional hands-on Reiki will be provided with consent. You may bring props to assist in your experience and a journal to record your discoveries.

Tantric Yin

This 90 minute offering blends the stillness of Yin with the freedom of intuitive movement. You will be encouraged to access your life force energy, feel deeply, and express authentically. There will be guidance from posture to posture, but the practitioner is encouraged to move, flow, make sounds, cry, laugh, sigh, be still, and release in whatever way feels best. There is no wrong way here. Give yourself permission to trust your innate inner guidance. Optional hands-on Reiki will be provided. You may wish to bring a journal or anything that will assist your practice and help you to feel at ease.